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Yuwei only makes quality PEEK and creates miracles with new materials
PSU products

Polysulfone PSU/PSF is slightly amber amorphous transparent or translucent polymer, and it is featured with excellent mechanical properties, rigidity, wear resistance, and high strength. Its excellent mechanical properties can be maintained even at high temperature, which is its outstanding advantages; specifically, the temperature range is -100-150℃, the long-term use temperature is 160℃, the short-term use temperature is 190℃, and the thermal stability is high. It has good radiation stability, low ionic impurities and good chemical and hydrolysis resistance, excellent precipitation resistance (suitable for use in the sterilization chamber using steam disinfection), through infrared light and microwave radiation. In addition, it also hydrolysis resistance, good dimensional stability, forming shrinkage rate is small, non-toxic, radiation resistance, fire resistance, extinguishing.

Consulting service 400-178-2066




